Right Start

How To Start

to start

If you are concerned about your child’s development, you can make a referral to the Early Intervention Program. Professionals such as doctors may also refer your child, upon discussion with the family.

Infants and toddlers who live in New York City, from birth until three years old, that have a diagnosed physical or mental condition that is likely to result in a developmental delay or are suspected of having a developmental delay or disability will receive an evaluation to find out if they are eligible for the Early Intervention Program. Children must be eligible in order to receive services.



Any parent/guardian, professional or concerned individual who suspects that a child, from birth to age 3 meets the criteria for the program can call 311 and ask for Early Intervention. You can ask for Right Start, Inc. to be assigned to provide ongoing service coordination and evaluation for your child.

For more information about the services that Right Start, Inc. provides or the referral process, call us today at (718) 375-2505.

Early Intervention is always the best course. Don’t wait. Please call us today!