Right Start

How Playtime Helps Build Social Skills

At Right Start Inc, we know and understand that some parents may see playtime as a chance to give children a break from the classroom.   It is designed to help children burn off excess energy so that they can once again focus on their academics.     However, modern thinking sees playtime as much...

 How To Differentiate A Speech Delay and Autism

You’ve noticed that your child isn’t speaking as much as their peers. It may be possible that your 2-year old has not spoken their first words yet. This begs the question: is it autism or is it a speech delay?A speech delay may be a sign of autism. However, it...

Benefits and Disadvantages of a Pacifier

Like their name suggests, pacifiers not only help soothe your baby, but they can also reduce crying significantly. As with so many parenting choices, there are certain considerations for a new parent to weigh as you decide whether to introduce one.  If your baby is nursing, you should wait to...

Developing Self-Regulation Skills for Kids with Autism & ADHD

Does your child get distracted easily and need to be repeatedly reminded to complete a simple task? Does their room look like it’s been hit by a tornado? Are they constantly misplacing personal items? Do they have emotional outbursts when plans suddenly change? For some parents, many of these behaviors...

How does ABA work with my child?

It is the most effective intervention proven by research for children with autism. It is recommended by CDC, surgeon general and endorsed by many credible organizations.  Children with autism can learn many skills, but may require specific strategies and techniques in order to address their learning needs.  ABA providers know...

What You Should Know About Developmental Milestones

At Right Start Inc, we know that the early years of a child’s life are crucial in their development. The brain is constantly growing and changing, allowing new skills to be learned through contact with the child’s environment. In the early years, a child’s brain creates many simple neural circuits...